Penn Medicine Jobs

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Penn Medicine Nursing Assistant Clinical Decision Unit in West Chester, Pennsylvania


Penn Medicine is dedicated to our tripartite mission of providing the highest level of care to patients, conducting innovative research, and educating future leaders in the field of medicine. Working for this leading academic medical center means collaboration with top clinical, technical and business professionals across all disciplines.

Today at Penn Medicine, someone will make a breakthrough. Someone will heal a heart, deliver hopeful news, and give comfort and reassurance. Our employees shape our future each day. Are you living your life's work?


  • Cross trained position to be assigned either in a Unit Secretary or Nursing Assistant role. . The Unit Secretary is responsible for general office management, clerical and receptionist duties on the Nursing Unit. The Unit Secretary facilitates order entry and processing coordinates administrative support activities. The Nursing Assistant position provides patient care under the direction and supervision of a Registered Nurse. Both the Unit Secretary and Nursing Assistant performs duties that support the operation of the nursing unit and adheres to Nursing Policies and Procedures and Organizational Goals and Objectives.


  • Cmmunicatins and Custmer ServiceWelcmes and greets patients and visitrs t the unit.Demnstrates pleasant, prfessinal cmmunicatin skills when speaking with patients, visitrs, nursing staff, physicians, vlunteers and persnnel frm ther departments.Answers the phne prmptly using prper telephne etiquette. Identifies self and unit. Refers phne calls t apprpriate persn and is reliable with messages.Assists visitrs find patient rms, staff members and ther resurces.Facilitates transprt f patients at discharge.Facilitates the patient belngings prcess as needed, including that the handff f belngings ccurs at admissin, transfer and discharge.Facilitates calls t physician n behalf f nurses, aviding duplicatin.Demnstrates crrect use f cmmunicatin systems such as intercm, pager system, phne functins, pneumatic tube, and ther department based systems.Uses unit specific cmmunicatin tls and applies t practice. Checks email regularly and psts items at the request f nursing leadership. Seeks clarificatin frm Nurse Manager r Directr as needed.Perfrms fllw up phne calls t patients if requested by nursing leadership.Perfrms custmer service runding and surveys fr patients upn request f nursing leadership.Answers call bells in a timely manner and cmmunicates needs t respnsible staff, r handles themselves if a simple request.Fllws up t ensure that call bells have been addressed.Electrnic rder Management and rder Prcessing Prvides assistance t physicians, nurses, and ther healthcare prfessinals as needed in accurate and efficient entry f cmputer rders (CPE). Prmtes and encurages CPE.Demnstrates knwledge f rder sets that the practitiners may use with CPE.Actively uses Sarian feedback t reprt t CMI and physician analysts any physicians wh need mnitring r fllw up n their CPE practices. Prvides fr the accurate and timely prcessing f rders, including fllw up phne calls, cmpleting cnsult frms and legibly transcribing n the kardex r any ther frms.Mnitrs frequently fr new alerts and ther new items n electrnic wrk lists such as rder Acknwledgement Wrk list, Alerts Wrk List and Interventins Wrk List. Ntifies the nurses and nursing assistants prmptly f any new rders, discntinued rders, alerts, specimens t be cllected r treatments. Checks hurly fr rder Sessin Summary reprts while still in existence. Reprints rders frm Reprint Facility r peratinal Reprting as needed.Ensures that the Transfer Level f Care Med Rec Reprt is n the chart f all preperative patients.Flags the physical chart when any new rders have been written r electrnically entered.Fllws unit prtcl fr dispatch f written medicatin rders t Pharmacy.Cmmunicates stat rders t the nurse immediately upn receipt.Enters int Sarian any written nn-medicatin patient care rders.Ensures that labeled specimens are sent t labratry prmptly, when requested.Ntifies RN if there are any unclear r incrrect rders.Recpies Kardex r ther frms when needed.Reviews Kardex r Daily Clipbard fr Daily Lab rders and enters these fr the next day.With RN input, addresses and remves all remaining new rders frm the wrk list befre shift change and discharge.Perfrms rder Entry, Cancel rder, rder Inquiry functins when needed. Reviews rders regularly.Facilitates the patient schedule. Crdinates when there are multiple tests rdered and keeps track f patient lcatin.Mnitrs specialty bed rdering and discntinuatin when patient n lnger needs.Initiates the lcatin rder set fr inpatients wh are ging t surgery.Chart ManagementPlaces crrect labels n all paper chart frms (frnt and back). Ensures all chart frms are prperly labeled. Adds blank frms t charts as needed. Keeps charts neat and pages secure (reinfrced).Maintains charts in accrdance with CCH Plicy & Prcedure fr sequence. Neatly files any remaining paper chart frms int their apprpriate lcatin.Thins charts as needed per plicy & prcedure, Prepares charts fr admissin, transfer and discharge.Prints ExitCare dcuments upn request and puts chart cpy in chart; prepares educatin packets at request f nurses t use in their patient teaching.Facilitates recrd requests frm r t CCH r ther facilities as needed.Assists with metrics and reprting requirements that may arise, fr example recrding quality imprvement infrmatin nt lgs r printing wrkflw reprts.Patient Flw RespnsibilitiesPrints ExitCare dcuments upn request and puts chart cpy in chart; prepares educatin packets at request f nurses t use in their patient teaching.Prints r cpies recrds fr patient transfer t anther institutin when case management is nt available.Uses the Sarian Financial Applicatin t enter Admissins, Transfers, Discharges, Service Updates, status updates (utpatient t bservatin status fr example), Patient Lcatin management, and ther ADT functins as needed and in a timely manner.Mnitrs islatin census in cnsultatin with RN- remving patient frm islatin and discntinuing islatin equipment if screening has returned negative. Updates islatin cde in Sarian if requested.Maintains census lgs. Prints census sheet fr the next shift as requested.Ensures that required Medicare paperwrk has been signed and given t the patient and the chart cpy placed in the chart when Case Management is nt available.In ACC, assists in preparing stretchers and picking up bld prducts frm the bld bank.Nursing Assistant - Patient Care RespnsibilitiesPrvides age apprpriate care fr the patient ppulatin served. Fr example, gives cnsideratin t grwth & develpmental phase f life, t age related factrs such as thermal regulatin, nutritin, safety and functinal needs f the patient.Uses apprpriate resurces fr patients with special needs such as language barriers, sensry prblems, altered cgnitin, cultural and religius needs.Integrates principles f infectin cntrl & infectin preventin int practice.Uses standard precautins and uses persnal prtective equipment.Interacts with the patient in a manner that preserves patient dignity, privacy, and meets psychscial needs f the patient.Bathes patients and prvides assistance with hygiene. (Includes baths, muth care, shaves males, cmbs hair, washes patient’s hair as requested.)Changes bed linens fr ccupied and unccupied beds.Changes incntinent patients prmptly and prvides apprpriate skin care.Empties bedpans, urinals, cmmdes, and assists patient t the bathrm.Assists patients with meals, feeds patients as needed.Distributes nurishments as scheduled.Prvides fresh water at bedside as apprpriate.Measures and recrds intake and utput.Psitins patients crrectly, aligns and supprts trs and limbs as directed and per patient cmfrt.Transprts patients via wheelchair r stretcher using safety measures apprpriate fr patient and vehicle.Uses prper bdy mechanics when transferring patient during ambulatin and bed – chair transfers.Makes hurly runds fr patient safety and custmer service.Respnds t patient call lights in a timely manner.btains vital signs and weights, and recrds.Applies chest leads fr patients n remte telemetry mnitring, and perfrms basic trubleshting, such as replacing lse r missing electrdes. Cllects and labels urine, stl, sputum specimens as directed.Inventries patient belngings at admissin, transfer and discharge. Prvides 1:1 patient supervisin in “Sitter” rle fr patient safety and suicide precautins.Uses resurces and references fr reviewing plicies and prcedures, infrmatin needed t cmplete jb duties.Priritizes and rganizes wrk effectively within assigned shift.Perfrms prcedures within the scpe f the Plicy and Prcedure Manual.CmmunicatinCmmunicates patient and unit infrmatin t the RN and interdisciplinary care team in a timely manner.Seeks help frm RN when needed.Infrms the RN when experiencing difficulty cmpleting an assignment.Receives reprt and clarifies infrmatin as needed. Infrms RN when leaving the unit fr any reasn.Accepts assignments and perfrms as a team member.Intrduces self t patient and explains prcedures t patient and family.Reinfrces infrmatin t patients and family such as safety precautins fr falls preventin, visiting hurs, etc.DcumentatinDcuments patient care in an accurate, prfessinal and timely manner using Sarian and paper dcumentatin frms accrding t plicy and prcedure. Rle DevelpmentDevelps wn knwledge via practice, bservatin, and attending cntinuing educatin prgrams.Prmtes best practice by demnstrating a cmmitment t quality patient care.Prmtes innvatin and creativity in the practice envirnment.Serves as a preceptr and mentr fr new emplyees.Accepts cnstructive feedback abut perfrmance r behavirs and shws evidence f change.Demnstrates verbal and writing skills that are apprpriate fr healthcare cmmunicatin. Adheres t the Department f Nursing Dress Cde.Department f Nursing and rganizatin SupprtAttends assigned cmmittee meetings and cntributes t the cmmittees. Cmmunicates supprt f rganizatinal values and strategies.Supprts the fllwing rganizatinal prgrams: Magnet® , Hspital f Distinctin, Jint Cmmissin Disease Specific Certificatin, Nursing Cuncils. Perfrms jb duties in accrdance with these standards.Maintains attendance/lateness standards in accrdance with Hspital plicy.Departmental SupprtMaintains equipment in wrking rder. Uses equipment apprpriately, fllws Department plicies fr equipment and supply use, cleaning and maintenance.Perfrms assigned duties t maintain unit in a state f survey readiness and maintain quality initiatives. Fr example, quality cntrl measures, emergency equipment checks, nutritin area cleanliness, etc.Perfrms assigned duties such as unit errands, stcking supplies, returning equipment t Central Supply, answering unit phne, etc.Adheres t unit prgrams t supprt patient care such as maintaining a quiet envirnment, hurly patient runds, custmer service, etc.Attends staff meetings n a regular basis.Keeps patient care area and wrk envirnment neat and rganized.


  • Basic Cardiac Life Support (Required)

  • Certified Nurse Aid

  • Certified Nursing Assistant preferred.

Education or Equivalent Experience:

  • H.S. Diploma/GED (Required)

  • H.S. Diploma/GED and 0-1 years Training and/or experience at an acute care facility or student nurse with hospital based clinical experience required.0-1 years Previous secretarial skills or healthcare experience preferred.

We believe that the best care for our patients starts with the best care for our employees. Our employee benefits programs help our employees get healthy and stay healthy. We offer a comprehensive compensation and benefits program that includes one of the finest prepaid tuition assistance programs in the region. Penn Medicine employees are actively engaged and committed to our mission. Together we will continue to make medical advances that help people live longer, healthier lives.

Live Your Life's Work

We are an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action employer. Candidates are considered for employment without regard to race, ethnicity, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, marital status, familial status, genetic information, domestic or sexual violence victim status, citizenship status, military status, status as a protected veteran or any other status protected by applicable law.

